Knight Rider... A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

KITT is based in Tasmania Australia and is continuing his crusade to champion the innocent and to
uphold truth and justice and to put a smile on peoples faces and the joy back into people hearts.



About Knight Rider

Knight Industries Two-Thousand


Click Here for video of
"Jump In My Car"

KITT is the car
used in this video.




and now... You Can Also Make A Difference.

We are looking for Sponsors to help KITT.

We are calling all businesses and business people to help keep KITT out and about and to put the smiles on the faces of people and joy in their hearts in this weary world. Until now we have funded KITT and the shows, functions, parades, etc. that he attends state wide. Due to the costs associated with attending these shows, etc. we cannot continue to fund this by ourselves.

KITT is always in the spotlight where ever he goes. He is always in the media and news around the state and also internationally due to the ongoing fan base and new fans loving the TV Series from the 1980s. The series is always on TV somewhere in the world.

Recently KITT has become involved with Make A Wish Foundation to help put the smiles back on childrens faces who have life-threatening medical conditions.

If you would like to become a Business Sponsor of KITT please contact us today for more details and how you can become involved in what we do. Sponsorship funds go towards the ongoing running costs of KITT which include fuel/travel, general maintenance, insurance, registration, etc.  Until now we (Wilderness Studios Australia) have been solely covering these expenses. Unfortunately we can no longer cover these by ourselves. We need to help and support of businesses within the state.


We have designed several sponsorship opportunities as listed below.

Sponsor Level Sponsored Donation
BRONZE $250.00
SILVER $500.00
GOLD $1,000.00
PLATINUM $2,500.00
SOLE SPONSOR $5,000.00

We will only be offering a limited number of sponsors the chance to be part of the good
that KITT does around the state for 2016. Sponsorship is based on a year (1 year) sponsorship. Sole Sponsor is only offered while there are no other sponsors already helping. The prices listed above are totally negotiable. This is only a guide as any help and support you can provide would be greatly appreciated. We are also open to just a simple lesser amount as a donation. Sponsorship donations can be made direct to our bank account or for smaller amounts as a donation please see payment via PayPal listed below.

We would be offering to you to display your business logo on our web page and also FaceBook pages. Also the opportunity to have your business logo and details with KITT when he attends car shows, functions, parades, etc. There are actually many ways that KITT would say thank you to you and your business for being part of helping him achieve his goals and making a change in peoples lives.

We would love to talk with you about your business helping KITT.
Please contact us today for more details.

Phone 03 6435 4301  Phone/Text  KITT  0413 488 004

"We Can All Make A Difference"

Thank you for your support.

KITT - Knight Rider
 FaceBook Page

The Knight Foundation
FaceBook Page
KITTs Videos
YouTube Page
Make A Wish Foundation
Grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to bring hope, strength and joy into a childs life. Make A Wish have been granting wishes to children for over 30 years.

 Knight Rider  -  "One Man Can Make A Difference"

We believe that...  "One Man Can Make A Difference".
One person can make a difference.
One person can make a change in someones life.
One person can make a change in this world.
One person can reach out and help another person.

It doesn't take much to be that "One Person".
A simple smile, a hello or just a kind word is all that it takes to brighten someones life.
Through the words and the concept behind Knight Rider, we are continuing that which has
been for over 30 years. It is our belief that we can make change in this world we all live in.
We are all here together in the journey of life and all need to work together to ensure that
the rights of the innocent and that truth and justice prevails. We all need to help each other
and when we can reach out to people and giving them a helping hand to lift up their spirits
and enrich their lives so they know that someone cares.

This is the journey of the Knight Rider. You can be part of this journey by simply making
a difference in your life and the lives of people around you.   Paul and KITT

You can help KITT  by making a donation.

Donations go towards the ongoing running costs of KITT which include fuel/travel, general maintenance, insurance, registration, etc.
Until now we (Wilderness Studios Australia) have been solely covering these expenses. Unfortunately we can no longer cover these by ourselves.

Thank you for your support.

Donations are made securely via PayPal.  You can also choose to setup a monthly donation.


Wilderness Studios Australia
"Home of the Australian Knight Rider"

Phone / Text - 0413 488 004     Email - KITT

Knight Rider  -  "One Man Can Make A Difference"

This site is not affiliated with MCA, Universal Television or any associated companies.